Pedro Arantes
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Common Strategic Decision-Making Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Strategic decision-making pitfalls happen by the lack of a clear process or communication, a poor problem's understanding, and a bunch of cognitive biases.
What Is Product Strategy, and Why Is It Important?
In its simplest form, product strategy is a business plan for the product—the planning to achieve the product's vision.
The Feynman Mental Model Technique
Once we have the building blocks of some topic, we can choose a subset of them to build new ideas, apply to understand other topics, solve problems, and so on.
Great, Good, Okay, and Bad Product Managers
If I know the characteristics of Bad and Okay Product Managers, I know what I shouldn't do.
Fundamentals for Recruiters that Make People Want to Work with You
Authentic leaders attract authentic people, which is an enormous advantage to keep strengthening the company's culture.