Pedro Arantes
This post is still a draft!

Ok, this is my most challenging text. I've been delayed in starting to write it because I'll need to have a lot of self-awareness.

This text will be an endless text. I should edit it often.

What is the difference between principles and values?



Principles are fundamental truths, like physics laws or rules that govern our lives. They're foundations for behaviors and guide us in making choices in life. Wherever actions we choose to do consequences will happen accordingly with some principles. For example, the consequences of being upright or not with our words will take place accordingly with the integrity principle, whether we like it or not.

Unlike values, we can't choose which principles will work for us. Instead, we can select the ones we identify most, which is the list of principles below. They're the ones I identify most with and are a guideline to my conduct on daily basis. They're also the core of my principle-centered paradigm, whose idea I took from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


I "walk my talk." Every word I say I do, I'm honest to them and apply to every aspect of my life.


It means that I'll be the genuine version of myself in every circumstance. The opposite happens when we don't have strong self-esteem and security, and the people around us influence our behaviors, whether we want it or not. For example, vulnerability is a principle that makes me express my emotions openly. Suppose I'm not secure with myself, and I'm with a group that mocks people who express their feelings. If the group influences me, I won't be vulnerable, and then I won't be authentic.

Win-Win Relationships

I always go to win-win decisions.


Abundance mindset and win-win relationships are strongly correlated to each other (maybe they're the same thing). With this mindset, we can act as there are wealth and opportunities for everyone in the world. If I win, others can win too, and I can help them achieve their victories. Acting like this also helps create a serendipity field for us, which is another principle I have.

The opposite is to have a scarcity mindset. People who have a scarcity mindset will always see the world with a fixed number of opportunities, resources, relationships, friendships, fame, attention, etc. As a result, they always want to be better than the next person, and they'll always see others as competitors, not collaborators.

Having an abundance mindset and seeing others as collaborators increase our changes to create more positive asymmetric opportunities. In addition, it creates synergy in our relationships.




I believe that frequent small actions are more effective than significant infrequent actions—small actions in the long-run compounds. I first saw this principle in the book The Psychology of Money, which argues that the best investment strategy is to use the time in your favor and let the small investments compound. But unfortunately, humans don't perceive compounding because exponential thinking isn't as intuitive as linear thinking.

I use this principle in all parts of my life, not just for money. For example, I use it for working out, in which a few exercises every day will bring more results than an intense and irregular workout.


My three most outstanding values are power, light, and humor.


Power is the most important value for me. I mean by power as the person of total and contagious energy. Sam Altman defined this kind of power as a "force of nature" person. It means that the person has a powerful character, high energy, is unstoppable, and is unforgettable.


For me, the definition of light is a person who is light to others. In John 8:12, Jesus states, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." I like this definition, and it touches me so profoundly. A driver question to this value is, "How can I impact as many lives as possible in a positive way?" I bring this question with me.

This value makes me play only non-zero-sum games. Every person I meet, I always try to aggregate value to them.


Humor is my third most important value. A person that has a high degree of humor is a person that can control their emotions so well and has their spiritual body significantly evolved. They're the kind of people who can keep calm and spread it to others in a chaotic environment.


Freedom of time. Freedom to do whatever I want to do, who I want to be, where I want to be.


Some goals I want to achieve in the long term.

Be Fully Present

Being fully present is significantly correlated with how we control our minds. We can give others our most quality time and enjoy great moments if we're fully present. I'm using medication practices to train my mind, a muscle, to be aware of leaving a present state.

Presence defines how charismatic we are because this is the only way to be warm to people around us. It also helps us to control negative thoughts that start appearing in our thoughts before they become big and cloud our minds. For example, as human beings, we compare our experiences with our past experiences, others' experiences, or our ideal image of what the experience should be. If we do a negative evaluation, we can quickly enter into a negative mental state, such as dissatisfaction, envy, resentment, or anxiety. When you can spot the initial comparison stage, we can then stop the flow.

Excel in Energy Management

We can divide the types of energy into four quadrants. One axis refers to the intensity of the energy, high or low. The other axis to the quality of the energy, positive or negative.

I have had this goal since I read The Power of Full Engagement. I want with this goal to create the skill to see if I'm in a negative state and change to a positive condition immediately, probably low positive. Also, I want to build the ability to navigate between low positive and high positive whenever I want.

Low positive has an essential role in this goal. If I can master it, I can use it to diminish negative energies to a state of relaxation, and I can use it to recharge the batteries of high positive.

Create a Strong Network

I want to help as many people as possible with the win-win mentality and light value.

Master a Specific Knowledge

I chose entrepreneurship as my profession because it is about building something from scratch and impacting the world.


My most important roles.

Family Member

I want to listen and support my relatives whenever they need me.