Pedro Arantes

Flow State (Psychology)

It's the most efficient state when doing a task.
Zettelkasten, January 28th, 2021.


  • Is a mental state in which a person is performing an activity:
    • fully immersed;
    • high focus;
    • full involvement and enjoyment.
  • It's the most efficient state when doing a task.
  • Lose awareness of all other things.
  • The person may lose the sense of time.
  • Named by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi in 1975.
  • Three conditions have to be met to achieve a flow state:
    1. Clear goals and progress.
    2. Clear and immediate feedback.
    3. The task difficult must match the person's skill level.
      • If task difficult < person skill: boredom.
      • If task difficult = person skill: flow.
      • If task difficult > person skill: anxiety.
  • According to Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, we can process about 110 bits of information per second.
    • Person in flow state decided to use all these bits on the task.
    • There is no more attention to be allocated.


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