Pedro Arantes

CSD Matrix

The CSD Matrix is a technique that the team can use to define the scope of some challenge or product ideation considering what is already known (certainties), hypotheses raised (suppositions), and questions that are still unknown and need more investigation (doubts).
Zettelkasten, November 18th, 2021.


  • The CSD Matrix is a technique that the team can use to define the scope of some challenge or product ideation considering what is already known (certainties), hypotheses raised (suppositions), and questions that are still unknown and need more investigation (doubts).

  • You can use CSD Matrix throughout the project. It is reviewed and constantly updated until your doubts disappear, hypotheses validated, and certainties multiplied.

  • CSD is the acronym for Certainties, Suppositions, and Doubts.

  • You can use this tool using post-its, writing everything (motivations, processes, personas, business aspects, etc.) that comes to your mind about the project, and splitting it into three areas:

    • Certainties are what appear to be absolute truth.

    • Suppositions are hypotheses that the team raises that need to be proved. It can contain different opinions about the same subject.

    • Doubts are everything unknown about the project.


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