Pedro Arantes


  • Some psychological addiction terms:

    • FOMO: Fear of Missing Out.
    • ATUS: Addiction to Useless Information.
    • PROM: Pleasure of Receiving Messages.
  • The existence of such terms shows that exists a psycho-emotional manipulation engineered into social media.

  • Social media creates to users a sense of belonging and redefines their way of being.

  • Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and addiction are problems caused by social media addiction.

  • It's good for social media companies that the users spend much time as possible on their platforms.

    • Most of the money these companies made is directly tied to the time users spend on their platforms.
  • Swiping right, double-clicking to like a post, receiving likes, and others generate ephemeral dopamine bursts.


  • How do you know if you're social media addicted?


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