It's a Scrum ceremony whose purpose is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal.
It's a 15-minute event for the developers of the team. Product Owner and Scrum Master also participate if they're actively working on items in the Sprint Backlog.
It gives a macro vision of the project. Everyone on the team will be on the same page.
- Improves the team's level of knowledge.
- Optimizes the probability that the team will meet the Sprint Goal.
Each member of the team answer these questions:
- What did I do yesterday?
- This question helps managers manage and organize the backlog, priorities, and the value that will be delivered to the product.
- What do I plan to do today?
- This question helps each member of the team to create focus and improves self-management.
- It also gives a little slack to each member.
- Are there any obstacles?
- Allow members to help each other after meeting.
- What did I do yesterday?
It's not a status meeting. The status meeting goal is to report what was done to the manager, only. Besides this goal, Daily Scrum also provides:
- Self-organization: each member must plan their next steps and fulfill their accountability.
- Maximize transparency because it enables frequent inspection and adaptation. This is important to deal with the complexity and unpredictability that exists in software development.
- Remember the team about the Sprint goals and values to be delivered.
- Collaboration. Once someone has been blocked, a team member can help to solve the problem.
- Can Daily Scrum be done asynchronously?