VP of Engineering role faces inward. They're responsible for building the engineering team and establishing the engineering culture and operations.
They help the team works efficiently and then almost disappear. As a result, developers on the team collaborate well, mentor each other, and communicate effectively.
- VP of Engineering constantly monitors the team's progress, culture, and tone of communications.
The best VPs of Engineering know both functional and dysfunctional teams.
- They know the patterns and anti-patterns for effective development workflows.
They work with the heads of product and product managers to ensure that there's a good product discovery process. They provide that engineers reviewed product deliverables before implementation hand-offs.
They are responsible for managing the annual bottom-up budget for the engineering department.
A VP of Engineering must have technical and management skills.
"If the CTO knows the destination, the VP of Engineering is identifying the route to get there." Reference.
They report to CEO directly.